As a lover of supercars and all the Connonball Gumball rallies this is very exciting for Australia in my opinion. I would hope as everyone else seems to, that not only the guys running this get it right but people suppert them and make sure it is a success too. As it is a business, and a lot of us here are businessmen, it will take the support of the country to get to full flight. I reckon in my humble oppinion that is why a lot have failed before, maybe instead of ripping things to shreds before they have run and being negative we as a nation should give it a go or we may never experience it! and then we will have to go ALL the way over to Europe or the US and somehow materialise an invite, a super car and somethign like 120k to go in one of the established runs (and will probably be a guest of her majesty for a period anyway which wouldnt be cheap, lets face it!! )

As for the price of this one....i initially thought wow thats a bit, but looking at the price of others and also if you consider its for TWO people from what i gather thats pretty good. I am assuming all accomodation and food and soem drinks will be included and is of a high quality??

Oh, i read some people met in Adelaide. How did they respond to critisism and queries on the "bugs". I think that would be a great indicator of how it will progress....