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Thread: AuzRun 2010

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingkong View Post
    This looks like an event for people who not only love cars but love the life style that goes with beautiful cars, i am going to the hyatt on the friday arvo if they are having a meet and greet to see what these guys are like. No one in Australia has done something like this and it's about time someone is putting an event on. 15k is a lot of money but in the end we don't drive high end cars working at maccas. It's all about the experience, the older you get the more this makes sense! i don't know about anyone else but i always wanted to go in the Gumball, but entry into that is now over 150k. I haven't heard it from the but apparently they are making a series from the event. I guess we will soon see. :drive:
    I'm not sure if I'll do it but I agree with these sentiments. It may not work but good on them for trying. I hope they make plenty out of it too - I believe in capitalism.

    Whether it is a fun thing to do depends on what you like I guess, but IMO the price sounds about right for an exclusive event. "Exclusive" means most get excluded, after all. The time away from the business might cost some participants more than the entry fee anyway, and think of the networking potential.

  2. #22
    Junior Member fezboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhh View Post
    I'm not sure if I'll do it but I agree with these sentiments. It may not work but good on them for trying. I hope they make plenty out of it too - I believe in capitalism.

    Whether it is a fun thing to do depends on what you like I guess, but IMO the price sounds about right for an exclusive event. "Exclusive" means most get excluded, after all. The time away from the business might cost some participants more than the entry fee anyway, and think of the networking potential.
    I really like to see a program of the intended run. My mates and I do plenty of great road driving but I'd be interest to see what's on suggestion.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by fezboy View Post
    I really like to see a program of the intended run. My mates and I do plenty of great road driving but I'd be interest to see what's on suggestion.
    I've seen the program. There is a lot of driving each day. It looks like an endurance event to me.

    Anyone get to the briefing in Adelaide last night?

  4. #24
    Photo Taker dkabab's Avatar
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    i went along with some others from here. looks more polished than my initial impressions..... but still a few kinks to iron out.
    and yes lots of driving, with one of the days allocated 12 hours.

  5. #25
    Senior Member AshSimmonds's Avatar
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    great concept - looks fantastic, has a slick finish to it, just hope the lads can take care of the details - there are a lot of small things that could make or break it. At the moment I consider it analogous to a maserati gran turismo - sensational to everyone, but some otherwise minor issues can take off a lot of shine for those involved.

    They're a great mob behind it and have their hearts in the right place - hopefully some veteran event planners and those of us here who've been involved in events can help debug it a bit, my worst fear is that a poorly executed event will mar any future attempts by anyone else. The boys might be too young to really remember Cannonball - but it sits heavy in the mind of those of us who lament there's no decent major public motoring events for high end cars, a good deal to do with this event, so we do our own private ones.

  6. #26
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    Flawed or not, I'm still interested. There is one major problem in the concept though. I can see 50 guys blowing $15K on a whim, no problem. After all they are supercar owners, right? They are used to squandering money. The thing I can't see is these same guys stickering up the cars they use to occasionally explore the wilds of the cafe strip and driving them halfway across the country in 5 days.

  7. #27
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    As a lover of supercars and all the Connonball Gumball rallies this is very exciting for Australia in my opinion. I would hope as everyone else seems to, that not only the guys running this get it right but people suppert them and make sure it is a success too. As it is a business, and a lot of us here are businessmen, it will take the support of the country to get to full flight. I reckon in my humble oppinion that is why a lot have failed before, maybe instead of ripping things to shreds before they have run and being negative we as a nation should give it a go or we may never experience it! and then we will have to go ALL the way over to Europe or the US and somehow materialise an invite, a super car and somethign like 120k to go in one of the established runs (and will probably be a guest of her majesty for a period anyway which wouldnt be cheap, lets face it!! )

    As for the price of this one....i initially thought wow thats a bit, but looking at the price of others and also if you consider its for TWO people from what i gather thats pretty good. I am assuming all accomodation and food and soem drinks will be included and is of a high quality??

    Oh, i read some people met in Adelaide. How did they respond to critisism and queries on the "bugs". I think that would be a great indicator of how it will progress....

  8. #28
    Senior Member allanuber's Avatar
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    It's awesome that KingKong and Soap have the same writing style, have one optimistic post each, and registered within a few days (hours) of making the posts...

    I'm not nay-saying, but as noted by Ash, every time one of these events goes tit's up there's a lot of backlash for other exotic owners, and it makes it that much harder for the next event to work well.

    Auzrun's been on the site to spruik, how about coming back to comment more on the event, the long driving legs and the current levels of interest. I'm not just stirring the pot, if it's going to be a great event I can't see why Uber wouldn't put in a car or two as well.

  9. #29
    Senior Member AshSimmonds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allanuber View Post
    It's awesome that KingKong and Soap have the same writing style, have one optimistic post each, and registered within a few days (hours) of making the posts...
    Both from Brisbane - different ISPs, have a feeling both originally from different countries - obviously have been directed here as someone involved or looking to support, fair enough - gotta hope it gets off the ground. KingKong mentioned he would be at the Hyatt the other night - not much web talk was had so I don't know if I met him or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by soap View Post
    Oh, i read some people met in Adelaide. How did they respond to critisism and queries on the "bugs". I think that would be a great indicator of how it will progress....
    Wasn't much criticism - more quiet reflection, I brought up several issues - most were either fairly well covered or given an indication that it was under control or more investigation would go into them - and a couple responses perhaps a bit flippant - but probably best worked out behind the scenes rather than amongst a crowd of punters.

    End result was I came away more confident about it than I went in - so that's good.

  10. #30
    Senior Member Rossgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allanuber View Post
    It's awesome that KingKong and Soap have the same writing style, have one optimistic post each, and registered within a few days (hours) of making the posts... We wouldn't want to many people being to optimistic would we... Mate, there has been over 25,000 hits to our website in the past 4 weeks from countries all over the world, they may have possibly come across AE through Googling the forums its being discussed on...

    I'm not nay-saying, but as noted by Ash, every time one of these events goes tit's up there's a lot of backlash for other exotic owners, and it makes it that much harder for the next event to work well.

    Auzrun's been on the site to spruik, how about coming back to comment more on the event, the long driving legs and the current levels of interest. I'm not just stirring the pot, if it's going to be a great event I can't see why Uber wouldn't put in a car or two as well.
    The Event - If you (or anyone on AE) would like some more information please email me, and I would be more than happy to send you through the PDF (the complete outline of the event) and I can also email you how the payments work in a PDF (All money is going into a trust account until 4 weeks out from the event, if the event does not proceed all entrants receive there money back if there is any unforeseen events that occur that make it impossible to put the event on) so you can see that this is no ammatuer event. Note: This is not a Trust controlled by Auzrun, it is controlled by a Law Firm on the Gold Coast.

    I am really looking forward to seeing peoples comments after they have seen the full documentation and outline of the event.

    The 'long driving legs' - I'm not sure what comments you would like me to post regarding the so called 'long driving', I have done many of 10 - 12 hour drives in super cars with other super cars traveling along side me, great fun if you ask me and all the others already joined up to Auzrun.

    To be honest though, it's not for everyone, I know many of people who would much prefer a 3 or 4 hour drive and then stop and chat about the drive or cars, but, I know of NO events in Australia that will give you what we are going to do in March 2010 and that is a True Super Car, Super Networking, Super Luxury and Super Holiday event to be a part of.

    Levels of Interest- they are as expected and planned. From the meeting that was held in Adelaide and discussions the next morning we have a rough number of 10 from Adelaide bringing the total number of people to over 30 that have said they will be participating in Auzrun.

    Thanks for all your support guys and girls,

    If you want any more questions answered please just shoot me an email and I will respond promtly.

    Have a Great week this week all!!!

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by allanuber View Post
    I'm not nay-saying, but as noted by Ash, every time one of these events goes tit's up there's a lot of backlash for other exotic owners, and it makes it that much harder for the next event to work well.
    I Dont follow what you mean by a backlash for exotic owners?? How does this make any difference??

    I have to laugh at your cynicism though. I am in no way trying to lampoon you specifically allan, its just as i was saying, if we gave things a go and, as cliche as this may sound, asked what we could do to make the automotive world better and more successful rather than what is it going to do for us there might be more success in this arena.

    I emailed Ross and he sent me the details of the event. It looks to me how i expected. yes, long drives but again as a couple of people have said, i guess thats just what it is, if its not for you, dont enter...

    I just wish that i had a) a suitable car and b) the money and time. I certainly have the desire, so fingers crossed they can make it, and i can work on being in the position to enter in years to come!!

    As far as me and king kong being in the same city and only posting once....i cant talk for king kong, but i have been what i spose you lot call a "lurker" for a while. This topic is as i said talking about something really exciting to me and ive heard talk in brisbane as i assume the king did too, or indeed googled it?? I dont know how things work in adelaide but there is talk up here that goes on outside of forums.....I just wanted to have my two cents worth (by the way where do i pay that?? lol)

  12. #32
    Senior Member allanuber's Avatar
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    Soap, without trying to lampoon you back ... you don't seem to have the cash or the car to go in this, so maybe take off your cheerleader skirt for a second and give the guys who are genuinely looking at going along a chance to ask reasonable questions.

    Have you actually done 12 hours straight in a supercar? I regularly drive our cars from Sydney to Brissie which is that kind of distance, and it's (quoting MHH) an 'endurance event'. I can tell you for sure you're feeling f*cked after.

    12 hour drive, big p|ssup and then backing it up with a long drive again the next day would be dangerous without 2 drivers doing duty in the car.

    I'm hoping the guys run an awesome event as well, and there are no mishaps. We had a run recently with only about 6 cars out and the unfortunately the lead car was clocked at 15k's over by a police radar (in a 100 zone, from the opposite direction, around a bend, but that's a different story) and the police chaps took great pains to explain if they though the cars were street racing that we'd be walking home. These weren't kids, but primarily successful, bright professionals who were given a major verbal b|tchslap.

    If the cars were driven anything like the Cannonball and Gumball events, with the same 'fun' disrespect for speed limits anywhere on the road, then it's not just the one person speeding who runs a risk, but all cars following/near.

    It'd be great to hear how this'll be managed. Great to hear more about how the authorities will be warned and good to hear more from the organisers. They've advertised here on a public forum, so having further public discussion here is a great place to everyone to understand how it'll work.

  13. #33
    Senior Member AshSimmonds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soap View Post
    ...I just wanted to have my two cents worth (by the way where do i pay that?? lol)
    Pay to post - I like it :scratchchin:

  14. #34
    Photo Taker dkabab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashsimmonds View Post
    Pay to post - I like it :scratchchin:
    as long as its not pay per post :doh:

  15. #35
    Administrator andecorp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allanuber View Post
    Soap, without trying to lampoon you back ... you don't seem to have the cash or the car to go in this, so maybe take off your cheerleader skirt for a second and give the guys who are genuinely looking at going along a chance to ask reasonable questions.
    EXACTLY what I was thinking.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by allanuber View Post
    Soap, without trying to lampoon you back ... you don't seem to have the cash or the car to go in this, so maybe take off your cheerleader skirt for a second and give the guys who are genuinely looking at going along a chance to ask reasonable questions.

    Hmm, yes, without trying, obviously it wasnt hard. Take off my cheerleader skirt....Ok, I know nothing of you, and wont pass judgement. I will merely say this. Just because i may or may not have the money or car right at this moment doesnt mean to say i wont by the time the event is run, nor by the next one. I tend to keep in mind the philosophy of watching what i say on the way up...

    As for taking up so much of your time that you serious guys cant get a word in edgeways, i apologise. I didn't realise there were only 3 minutes each day where posts were allowed to be made?!?!?

    And if anyone is interested, I spoke with the guys from Auzrun today after looking over the itinerary again. In my opinion they seemed very genuine and passionate, and if people bothered to say what they thought could be improved they might be able to rectify or put your mind at rest. I raised a couple of points and we talked it through. They just want what we as enthusiasts all want. Why not chip in and say what we want and let them do the hard yards and make it happen instead of whining??

  17. #37
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    Here's the entry info including the itinerary - not sure if it will post up but here goes....

    Attachment 21557

  18. #38
    Senior Member Rossgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhh View Post
    Here's the entry info including the itinerary - not sure if it will post up but here goes....
    Evening All,

    If you would like some more info regarding Auzrun I'll be coming down to Adelaide this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. As a number of people from AE have already asked me to come down and have a chat in person as they missed the last catch up.

    Feel free to send me an email ( with a good time to catch up with you if you would like to ask any of the nitty gritty questions you may be wondering.

    Have a great week!!!

  19. #39
    Senior Member AshSimmonds's Avatar
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    Hey Ross and Matt and JP and co...

    At the last meeting we were talking about some of the outback stuff - and your promo vid brought up discussion of a fun little vid we put together back in '05...

    The vid's been unavailable for quite a while - I just re-uploaded it tonight.

    For some reason it can't be embedded full-screen in the forum - for a full-screen version (and pics etc) see:

    [flash=900,720] T00MDUzODY1X1hFWlBlJnU9YXVzc2llZXhvdGljcw==&al lowFullScreen=true[/flash]

    Enjoy And hope we can catch up this week if you're about.

  20. #40
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    Ah, those were the days. We were young and innocent and free.

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