Evening all,

As some of you are already aware (due to catching up with you in person and email chat) there is a lot more to Auzrun than meets the eye and that can be discussed on a forum or even in an email. As you can appreciate organizing this mammoth event takes time... A lot of time and unfortunately giving regular updates on the many forums is something of a near impossible task.

But in saying that I have received a number of questions/quires regarding the event that I have made some time to address in a stand email response.

A couple of points to consider (please have a look at the outline of the event that Mark Hender posted up a few pages back also as there are some more points address on the event itinerary) are below;

As I mentioned previously I have written a standard response that I would be happy to respond to you in an email format as the responses to the following points below take up over a page and this is not a forum for Auzrun to get ?free? advertising from nor to write more than a page about the event explaining how, what, why, who, when etc. all the time. So if you would like these points cleared up please just drop me a line ross@auzrun.com and I will send you the extended points below.

The points a couple of AE members have brought up are:

? Information about me. My ?credentials?
? How the event is being funded
? How are entrants entry fee guaranteed not to be used to fund the event
? The Trust account and how that works
? What else are we providing for entrants (A list of Petrol Stations, Police contact details and hospitals for relevant cities and towns we are going through etc.)
? Manufacturers support - closest point of taking your car in if something ?major? goes wrong
? Support crew ? How many support vehicles we will have and what will they be used for if something ?minor? goes wrong? Flat tyres, Spare tyres, fuel, fluids etc.)
? Securing of Hotels and Track days
? The screening process to get the right entrants and right group
? Can you advertise your own business on your car
? Track days ? Having a change of tyres and other things to consider at the track if your someone who has had some serious track experience

Here are just some of the points that have been brought up and discussed in person with a number of people so if you would like them cleared up you know where to get any and all answers regarding the event.

Unfortunately not being able to visit AE very regularly to just ?browse and answer all comments made? if you have a genuine interest in the event and have some genuine comments then shoot me an email and I?ll get back to as soon as possible.

Until then, have a great night and let the responding posts begin!!!